Wharepapa South School offers modern classrooms, including a sensory room, a multipurpose room for cooking, great gardens, and community library.  

We plan and work together, ensuring our students have consistent routines and expectations.  Children work between the spaces allowing for specialised teaching opportunities that meet the individual needs of all students.

Our curriculum combines the key competencies and values within the context 'Building Happy Successful Learners'. This is reflected in our teaching spaces and learning environments.

As you enter our learning spaces you will see a variety of student work showing new learning and pride in accomplishments.  Our rooms belong to our students. They are a reflection of the work they do and the pride they place in learning at Wharepapa South School.


Our classrooms are connected with double doors that are often opened up to combine learning experiences and provide tuakana taina opportunities for our students.  We cater to students from Y0-8 by switching between a collaborative space for morning hui, singing and assemblies, and closing the double doors to split into more targeted learning for the students. 

We provide a variety of furniture options and spaces for our students so they are able to learn in an environment that best suits their individual needs.  Our children are able to work within small mixed ability, mixed age groups.  We work on the premise of stage not age.

Our teaching and learning philosophy is to celebrate individual and collective success.

Wharekai / Multi Purpose Room

This is a fantastic space that is used for a variety of activities.  A healthy meal is prepared in our impressive kitchen and our tamariki gather together to say karakia and share kai each day. 

Students also use this space to prepare, cook, and eat as part of the Garden to Table program.  


For a small school we have a fantastic library that we share with our community.  Anyone from the community is welcome to come and borrow books that have been donated from local families.

We have a great music space set up in our library where students are able to try their hand at piano, drums, ukulele and a range of other instruments.  We are very lucky to be able to offer 1-1 piano lessons to our students on a weekly basis!

Preschoolers are welcome to visit, enrol and borrow books. 

We have an excellent range of picture books to help spark a love for literacy.  There is also a playgroup held in the library every Wednesday from 10:30 - 12:30.  You can check out their Facebook Page HERE or just pop down for a visit to meet Aleisha (Playgroup Coordinator) and the other playgroup parents.

Outdoor Spaces

We are so very fortunate at Wharepapa South School to have plenty of spaces to play.

Our sealed court is great for basketball, rollerblading and skateboarding.  We have a swimming pool that is open over the warmer months. 

There is a fantastic sandpit that includes rocks, heaps of space and of course water hoses to incorporate into the student's play.

Our bike track is very popular with some small jumps and berms for the children to take advantage of.  We also provide a range of good quality bikes and helmets to be used on the track.

Our playgrounds, zipline, fields, native trees and natural rocks give us the perfect setting for adventures to take place.